Kenosha County, Wisconsin

Garbage & Recycling
Home > Town Services > Garbage & Recycling
The Town of Brighton drop-off garage and recycling collection at the Town Hall site hours are Saturdays from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Residents are required to obtain a windshield sticker from the Clerk’s office. The hangtags and placards used in the past are no longer valid.
Residents wishing to continue with cart service may contract directly with ASDA (Phone: 262-539-2086) or another provider.
Recyclable items include: aluminum, all-glass, plastic marked 1 through 7, bi-metal containers (tin cans), cardboard, and newspaper. Newspapers should be bagged and may be placed in the wooden shed located on-site.
Certain items are prohibited from being collected at the Town Hall site and must be brought to Pheasant Run located on the north side of CTK “K” (60th Street) east of St. Hwy 45 Phone: 262-857-7956 (any fees charged by Pheasant Run are the property owner’s sole responsibility) Items prohibited at the Brighton site include: Batteries, tires, paint (unless completely dry), brush, grass, leaves, lawn clippings, animal carcasses, appliances, and large furniture.
Household Hazardous Waste Collection
Once a year, Waste Management, Inc. sponsors a Household Hazardous Waste Collection. Dates vary but are generally held in May. The collection is held at the Kenosha County Center on the northeast corner of Hwys 45 and 50.